# Release Notes
# 9.2
# 9.2.69 - December 09, 2024
Customers- Adds Yape payment method from Payu Peru
# 9.2.68 - November 19, 2024
Core- Security enhancements
- Fixes flash message errors that are incorrectly displayed in direct login flows with an identity provider
- Fixes error log in payment transactions
# 9.2.67 - October 21, 2024
Core- Security enhancements
- Fixes problem with redirects not being performed when source URL contains the
# 9.2.66 - October 02, 2024
Core- Security enhancements
# 9.2.65 - September 11, 2024
Channels- Allows arrays as arguments in content filters
# 9.2.64 - September 06, 2024
Core- Security improvements
- Changes account logo in transactional emails
- Adds widgets and menus position changes in difference view
- Performance improvements
# 9.2.63 - August 23, 2024
Core- Security improvements
- Improved time to obtain delivery token
# 9.2.62 - 29 de julio de 2024
Core- Security improvements
- The length of the options in the forms is no longer restricted
- Fixes bug when deleting redirects in bulk, now all selected redirects are removed
- Restricts to one the number of report generation that can be active
# 9.2.61 - June 26, 2024
Core- Security improvements
- Adds the list of open sessions to the administrator's profile
- Fixes error when loading the entry list
- Fixes performance problem when publishing entries referenced by other entries
# 9.2.60 - June 10, 2024
Core- Security improvements
- Sitemap.xml, robots.txt, and crossdomain.xml endpoints no longer respond to unsupported extensions
- Fixes response headers when redirecting to login on private pages
- Restricts access to 404 pages when the site is private
- Allows changing the maximum upload limit of assets in the asset manager and its modal version at the deployment level
# 9.2.59 - May 17, 2024
Core- Security improvements
- SEO improvements, adds the ability to edit the sitemap.xml and robots.txt files at the account level
- Allows longer headers for Content Security Policy and Permission Policy
- SEO improvements, adds the ability to disable the site's sitemap.xml and robots.txt
- Fixes preview of editable content on sites, now correctly displays related content in editing mode on sites
- Fixes issue with delivering dates in the API, now always considers the account's time zone
- Adds the ability to alter the maximum number of related content per deployment
# 9.2.58 - May 2, 2024
Core- Security improvements
- Performance improvement in the by_tag content filter
- Improvement in custom redirects, now redirects to the destination if a source URL with arguments is detected
# 9.2.57 - March 28, 2024
Core- Security improvements
- Adds the possibility to output platform logs to stdout via the application logger
- Fixes cache invalidation issue for content pages when publishing site templates
- Adds deletion of menus when they are unpublished and archived
- Fixes duplicate token issue in different sessions for the same user
- Fixes slow performance when saving and publishing content
# 9.2.56 - January 23, 2024
Core- Updates links for the documentation related to the version
- Fixes and improvements in the handling of administrator user inactivity
# 9.2.55 - January 08, 2024
Core- Adds a security fix, therefore, it is highly recommended to update to this version
- Adds the meta.tags parameter to content filtering through query strings
- Adds a new liquid content filter called
# 9.2.54 - November 30, 2023
Core- Security improvements
- Adds the BIN to the list of cards with Bancard Tokenized
- Adds the extra _parameters parameter for the payment call with PayU
- Improves editing of the CSP header on sites, it is now possible to specify nonce as a variable
- Corrects the synchronization of new menus between stages of a site
# 9.2.53 - November 15, 2023
Core- Security improvements
- Fixes post-logout redirection when a session is invalid
- Adds new integration with BCP QR Bolivia payment method
- Corrects hash-type claim mapping in the OIDC integration
- Fixes problem with unpublishing pages under cross-inheritance conditions
- Corrects the information returned for a location consumed through the liquid SDK; it now returns all its fields correctly, just like the content API
- Corrects inconsistency in the saving of data entered in richtext. Code cleaning is now activated before saving
# 9.2.52 - October 13, 2023
Core- Security improvements
- Fixes problem with logging out and loading the site simultaneously
- Corrects visibility of information in an order's activity list
# 9.2.51 - September 28, 2023
Core- Security improvements
- Corrects post-logout redirection
# 9.2.50 - September 27, 2023
Core- Security improvements
- Fixes problem when saving settings in single account deployments
- Improvements when displaying information on payment methods
- Fixes problems receiving campaign data
- Excludes segments associated with pages and menus from stage synchronization
# 9.2.49 - September 13, 2023
Core- Security improvements
- Fixes post login redirection when a custom domain exists
- Improvements to the site search engine
- Now results are more accurate
- Search can be disabled
- You can set up a multi-site search for the same organization
- Fixes problems when publishing restored content and pages from a backup
# 9.2.48 - September 04, 2023
Customers- Fixes modal for changing images in the campaign email template editor
# 9.2.47 - September 01, 2023
Core- Security improvements
# 9.2.46 - August 29, 2023
Core- Security improvements
- Fixes problem with the linter when adding the raw liquid tag in templates
- Adds sanitizer for SVG type images
- Fixes problem in viewing payment answers with Bancard
- Fixes the problem of crossing redirects in concurrent logins in different user realms
# 9.2.45 - August 17, 2023
Customers- Fixes problems in saving email templates, now old templates can be saved again, and HTML tags no longer lose their attributes
# 9.2.44 - August 10, 2023
Core- Security improvements
- Corrects the logout redirection loop between realm and identity provider under certain circumstances
- Adds read-only role in realms
# 9.2.43 - August 03, 2023
Core- Security improvements
- Fixes issue when saving variables in widgets from the Modyo CLI
- Improvements in the list of content entries, now bulk actions are shown according to the selected items
- Improvements in the validation of the type of assets uploaded to the platform
# 9.2.42 - July 28, 2023
Customers- Fixes error in authentication flow with identity providers
# 9.2.41 - July 26, 2023
Core- Security improvements
- Fixes problems when showing the preview of a public site without a realm and with a configured custom domain
- Improvements in email campaigns
- Improves the behavior of the post-login URL of the realms, now the URL is left as a default redirect and for one option you can force it to always reach that URL
- Adds FPay as a supported payment method
- Segment improvements
# 9.2.40 - July 14, 2023
Customers- Anonymous form validation improvements
- Security improvements
- Updating dependencies
- Corrects migrations to allow the customer to migrate to the current version
- Allows posts to be published and unpublished even if there are null references in previous versions
# 9.2.39 - July 11, 2023
Customers- You are asked to enter a password before deleting a user account
- Error fixed in the OAuth2 flow
# 9.2.38 - July 07, 2023
Core- Security improvements
- Improves the information shown in the activity logs
- Fixes problems accessing the security headers edition
- Adds viewer role to team members. This role can even see items to be synchronized or in a release
- Add the viewer role to team members.
- Adds configuration of a post-login home page. After a successful login to the realm, you will be redirected to this page.
# 9.2.37 - June 30, 2023
Core- Security improvements
- Improvements in the configuration of expiration and inactivity policies
- Adds configuration of new security headers, Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy, Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy, Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy
- Fixes problem when reading a notification in the profile, it is now correctly marked as read
- Adds a new parameter (redirect_to) to the login URL of a site to redirect to a particular view or to a site within the organization
- Email campaigns are modified, multiple shipments are replaced by campaign cloning for new shipments for greater simplicity in their management
# 9.2.36 - June 19, 2023
Core- Security improvements
- Adds administrator permission validation to the endpoints of the swagger API documentation
- Fixes empty differences problem after synchronizing stages
- Fixes problem with the list of repeated spaces for users in a permission group
- Fixes the problem of publishing pages when they come from the synchronization of stages
- The default email sender field is successfully validated in the realm settings, now it can't be empty either.
- Corrects the initial value of the date filter, it now correctly shows the selected range.
# 9.2.35 - May 30, 2023
Core- Security improvements
- Correct the permission system for user groups.
- Improves the widget reference between stages, now it is not necessary to create the widget in other stages through synchronization.
- Fixes problems when searching on sites with tilded words.
- Correct differences in pages, the delegated paths option is now displayed.
- Add login button when previewing a widget.
- The differences between large widgets or widgets coming from the CLI are limited. They now show an informational message if there are differences.
- Adds option to enable/disable the use of SVG images
- Improves search in the list of orders.
- Improvement in the edition of payment methods.
# 9.2.34 - May 16, 2023
Core- Improvements in the display of tags in the selector when the values are too long
- Improvements in site search, categories are now considered in the links generated to content pages
- Fix bug that prevented unpublishing pages without having dependencies in a context with stages
- Add unpublication date to the metadata of a content
- Fix permission problems when accessing and editing forms
- Fixes visual and metric issues in the graphs
- Fix problems accessing the display of graphics
# 9.2.33 - May 05, 2023
Core- Security improvements
- Improves visibility in the list of tags when they are very long
- New Getstared
- Content publishers can now publish in bulk from the list of entries
- Corrects search engine in list of pages in list mode
- Fixes error when creating a new identity provider of the openid type specifying claims
# 9.2.32 - April 21, 2023
Core- Security improvements
- Changes the allowed asset sizes, leaving 6MB for images and 10MB for other types of files
- Fixes problems when replacing images with SVG extension
- Fixes problems when displaying a logo in SVG
# 9.2.31 - April 06, 2023
Core- Security improvements
- Password policies are added when creating new accounts
- Fixes permanent error in the asset manager
# 9.2.30 - March 24, 2023
Core- Security improvements
- Fixes updating widgets coming from the CLI
# 9.2.29 - March 22, 2023
Core- Security improvements
- Corrects slow loading of orders into the index, which was caused when there are a large number of orders.
# 9.2.28 - March 21, 2023
Core- Security improvements
- Fix the delete of widgets coming from the CLI
- Add modal to name a new cloned widget
- Fixes problem when modifying variables in widgets
- Fixes administrator permissions in Realms
# 9.2.27 - March 10, 2023
Core- Security improvements
- The trial period is increased to 30 days
- validation of a user's downtime is added to the backoffice, configurable in the security section.
- Fixed problem with validating administrator passwords
- New filter added for disabled users
- new minimal with Boostrap 5 for new sites
- New overview view of a space is added
# 9.2.26 - February 20, 2023
Core- Security improvements
- Add application access selector to user groups
- Password change is forced for new administrator users
- Allows you to delete archived widgets
- Fixes problems when archiving a widget
- Page SEO improvements
- Fixes problems with the category selector
- Add the new excerpt field to the meta of an entry
- Fixes problems when editing a richtext field
- Sending welcome emails is optional on public forms
- Fixes problems when editing a segment
# 9.2.25 - January 25, 2023
Channels- Fixes unpublishing a content page when it doesn't have an associated space or type
- Parameter accepted {{order.uuid}} in the redirect_url field when creating a Payments order
# 9.2.24 - January 20, 2023
Channels- Performance improvements when loading widget index
- Allows you to create a new stage with the same name as one that is in the process of being deleted
# 9.2.23 - January 19, 2023
Core- Security improvements
- Log Separation
- Fix "Review" button in Team Review emails
- The archived item will be visually separated from the others in the state filters
- Password and signup paths stop responding to extensions that don't match
- Management accounts that are not accessed within a certain amount of time will be disabled
- Adds format validation for MODYO_PAPERCLIP_FOG_CREDENTIALS
- The URLs of table views from the Modyo backend can be shared while maintaining the chosen filters
- Fixes error that prevented approving users with the default user and admin roles in a space
- Adds site timezone to site drop
- Add liquid drops for answered forms
- Liquid drop is added for forms answered by users in a kingdom
- Fixes stages duplication in the selector in the site list
- Adds Zendesk Integration
- Implements password security policy for realms
- Payments are migrated at the Kingdom level
# 9.2.22 - December 09, 2022
Core- Security improvements
- Dynamic content filtering is added in Liquid through URL parmas
- The way you delete a stage changes, now it's done directly from the stage settings.
- The automatic forms and the form view are removed, now only the form snippet is available
# 9.2.21 - November 07, 2022
Core- Security improvements
- Support for sites with domains without SSL is removed.
# 9.2.20 - October 27, 2022
Core- Maintenance for pre-production environments
# 9.2.19 - October 12, 2022
Core- Froala license update
- OAuth flow is reversed with refresh token.
# 9.2.18 - October 07, 2022
Core- Security improvements
- Updating dependencies
- Page list view and the possibility to switch between table and list view are added.
- A link is added to the liquid reference of an asset for editing.
- Improvements to the OAuth2 flow
- OAuth2 client configuration view added
- Overview view is added with action information and information from a realm
- Mass importing of users is eliminated
- The 'Data Studio' view is deleted
# 9.2.17 - September 20, 2022
Core- Security improvements
- The visual consistency of permissions and roles is fixed
- The identifier is added to the search in the list of spaces
- User export is fixed
# 9.2.16 - August 23, 2022
Core- Framework updated to the latest version (7.0.2)
- Ruby is updated to the latest version (3.1)
- Dependencies are updated
- Product improvements
- Security improvements
- Option to disable paths to sitemap.xml and robots.txt added
- The jquery.min.js fault when loading the widget manager is fixed
- Publishing inconsistency is fixed when team review is enabled
- A problem when uploading some svgs to the asset manager is fixed
- Extends to the Notifications Management API to mark messages as read
# 9.2.15 - July 27, 2022
Core- Alternative_id is included in Index, Export, and Commerce Order Search
# 9.2.14 - July 04, 2022
Customers- Access token authorizations are fixed in multi-site kingdoms
# 9.2.13 - June 28, 2022
Core- Security improvements
- 404 is prevented in setup otp
- Bug fixed in the initial editing of duplicate widgets on a Widget Page
- Flag added for enabling categories in path for content pages
- Fixed deployment of Targets option in Pages
- Corrects problem when deleting favicon and apple icons from a site, which affected their copies
- Sort filter that failed when sorting entries by text fields is fixed
- Fixed problem with multiline field, which was left with one character when all text was deleted
- Error corrected when selecting entries in the content list, where only those selected were added to the current page
# 9.2.12 - June 06, 2022
Core- Security improvements
- The link between the breadcrumbs with the scope of the stage is corrected
- The overflow of the name column in the list of sites is corrected
- The base template of the service worker is improved
- Improved experience when generating a manifest for the PWA
- The list of unchanged differences after the creation of a stage is corrected
# 9.2.11 - May 27, 2022
Core- Security improvements
# 9.2.10 - May 23, 2022
Core- Security improvements
- reCAPTCHA is added for administrator users
- Fixed error when updating the avatar of imported users with missing information
- Administrator session expiration added
- Error fixed when synchronizing migrated content pages on sites with stages
- The google tag manager ID is excluded when creating a new stage
- Links to documentation in segments are corrected
- Liquid support is added in text fields when creating content
# 9.2.9 - May 03, 2022
Core- Security improvements
- Error 500 is controlled at the application level when using invalid HTTP verbs
- The parameter for tolerance in seconds for access token (OIDC access token clock skew)
- Fixed problem when publishing page tree with 3 levels
- Fixed problem with full URL of entries by default
- Fixes escaped meta tags, breaks interpolation with Liquid
- The use of reCAPTCHA for realms is incorporated
# 9.2.8 - April 8, 2022
Core- Security improvements
- Service Worker experience improvements
- Collections can be referenced using brackets in the Liquid SDK
- Problem with sending campaigns is fixed
# 9.2.7 - March 10, 2022
Core- Update LiquidJS version
- Updating category names is not reflected in entries
- Attributes of the request drop do not consider the slug of the entry in content pages
- IntegrationsToIDPS migration fails due to new openidc_userinfo_enabled attribute
- Duplicate accounts in onboarding
- Direct authentication in Realm with Google leads to 404 error
- Implement Cybersource payment method
- Add tags in New Asset modal
# 9.2.6 - February 22, 2022
Core- New transactional emails from the platform
- Optional User Info in OIDC integration
- Drop entry.meta.url is fixed
- Deleting linked entries is fixed
- Improvements are made to the multiline editor
- Problem when changing a site's realm is fixed
- Problem fixed with campaign editor
- Problem fixed with accounts with default site without realm
- Paths ending in Slash are redirected to improve SEO
- Reflected XSS is prevented in drop of request
- Contamination is prevented with invalid routes
# 9.2.5 - January 27, 2022
Channels- Content Pages are incorporated
- Problems with the preview bar are fixed
- Improvements and fixes in the Entries editor
- SCIM support for administrator users added
# 9.2.4 - December 30, 2021
Core- Fixed an issue that contaminated the cache when previewing
# 9.2.2 - December 1, 2021
CoreProblem with allowing tag style with MODYO_HTML_ALLOWED_ATTRS environment variable is fixed
ContentBug fixed with filter with 100 or more tags in the admin# 9.2.1 - November 25, 2021
Content- Asset Manager bug with file limit fixed
- Improvements when copying entries from another locale
- Category name and slug are added in the Entry drop and in the content API
- Widget preview repaired
- Logging in with access token is allowed on the site
- Security improvements
- Improvements to the campaign editor
# 9.2.0 - November 15, 2021
Channels- Security Headers Management
- New minimal theme
- Navigation Builders
- Site stages
- User realms
- Team Member Groups
- Multiple full admins
- "Get started" landing page
- Publisher: Froala
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